e day 4us to send Michelle n John off to Australia is drawing near..
Its always hard 2part with someone close (
moreover 2 to send off this time..) but its comforting 2know they'll have each other for support over there n dat God has a plan for all of us-He has nothing but e best for us..
To John n Michelle..our friendship is a blessing to me
Michelle,try not2 stress yrself out 2much w yr studies bcos u DO have wat it takes to excel n trust God is in absolute control so long u give yr best..
John,u prob heard this many times..still I would like 2thank u 4all yr help w my wedding esp e pre-wedding video shoot n for all e laughter n joy u hav brought to us during cell grp, dinner and outings..Ya one of e 1st few I became acquainted with when I 1st came YI n subsequently Z3 cell grp, thank u for making me feel so at ease and welcomed!
Dun ever lose yrself for Who you are and wat you do makes you a special gift from God.
I know its tough serving at times yet you'll always fix yr eyes on Him..Its reali encouraging to see yr deep passion for God, yr desire to serve Him in all ways..
I believe God has a good plan for U over there n u'll able to serve Him mightily! Commit yr studies into God's hands for things look up when u look to God n He will see you thru it all..
what you are is God's gift to youwhat you become is yr gift to God..Last but not least,take good care of each other..Above all things put on love
John n Michelle,I pray God will bless yr rsp, yr studies n every aspect of yr life over there..May the Lord keep both ya from harm n bless U2 abundantly!!
Quack do resume blogging we need 2 know you're still breathing aka coping well there yeah ;)friends in the Lord share a special love..Kallang