Also I'm so glad Lisa could join us even though shes reali busy (she even stayed for the 1st nite) and dat Huiping has stayed thru'out the whole retreat n even said her 1st prayer for the team during prayer session! Good job HP and Thank God for bringing her/all of us this far :)
Poor Seow,its reali a challenge to drive the church van (non power-steering goodness..Hes has since learn to appreciate our SX4 more haha)..He sheepishly managed a "cheers" sign even though Hes perspiring profusely..(We all are..but its nothing comparable to U..thanks dear!)
Phee: Dun say I'm the armpit ..cos Im short ah!
Svh: I dunno leh..err..hmm I must say Phyllis is the ass**(everyone burst out into immediate laughter!! Phyllis is stunNed..I could almost hear her exclaim U beta give me a good explanation Niao-dan!!!)
Everyone else: SheeEEeeet....
Svh: Wait wait...listen 1st!!Ass** is a VERY veri important and understated part of the always does unglam things yet w/o it the body cant function properly.. (Guess he did redeemed himself afterall but still...)
Oh btw..Svh, U still owe Huiping a reply..which part of the body is she?? We're all so curious haha.. cmon U can do beta than "I dunno leh" LOL (kindly refer to z3 blog for evidence...)
Seow is in the midst of putting up more interesting video clips...expect more "I dunno Leh" on the way.LOLOLOL
Kallang/Moi: Cmon lets take pics!! Polaroids gals?? Hello-Kitty ones (everyone beams**)
Shuen shakes her hands and head immediately..
Kallang/Moi: Why U dun wan to take?? Are U mad..butterfly??
Shuen: Dont wanna lar..I dont look nice leh..My hair messy!!(errh..we wonder since when is it ever reali neat?? bad. )
Kallang/Moi: Pls lar Butterfly??!!U look fine!!!!reali reali reali
Shuen: Tomoro Tomoro...I will look beta tomoro wan..reali.
Kallang/Moi: I dun care..U're mad..We are taking it NOW haha..
(Everyone knows Kallang is super persistent when it comes 2taking pics esp polaroids haha)
Thats it for my pics..For more details on the retreat pls refer to Phee's blog..Kudos to Phee for her humorous, detailed blogging loaded with reali great and CLEAR pics..(haiz most of my pics are blur..hmm got lots of Polaroid pics though but havent figure out how to scan them..I dunno leh sounds familiar?? LOL...)