Thursday, June 28, 2007
Ckus Flashback (I)-Kudos to God!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
YI's first baby
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thank be to God-Reflections
was sorting/browsing thru my wedding photos n tots dawned on me..
Way B4 I was a Christian, I remembered stumbling upon this bookmark : "Footprints" and was utterly read: One day a man dreamt walking along e beach w God.Across the sky flashed scenes fr his life.For each scene he noticed 2 sets of footprints in e sand:one belonging 2him and e other 2God.When e last scene of his life flashed b4 him, he noticed dat many times along e path of his life there was only 1set of footprints-those were the lowest n saddest times in his life..He was troubled n asked why God left him at times where he needed Him most..and God answered " My precious child,I love you and will neva leave you.During yr times of trial n suffering,when you see only 1set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
How true indeed..Reali thank God for all dat he has done for me..for bringing me and Calvin tis far.. I thank Him 4 all e Ups and DOwNs in my Life..Everything happens 4 a reason n we are all not accidents! We're all imperfect in many ways n very often than not, we like 2penalize ourselves/be 2hard on ourselves..We end up feel lost, bitter and discontented.. Being Christians doesnt mean life will be a bed of roses,on e contrary it feels like a rollercoaster ride ..only diff is GOD promises 2be with us thru it all!
When things go well, we thank and praise God but when things go otherwise, we qns his very existence even when we have encountered Him before!! We know God is in control yet we still worry alot (well dats prob an indication we're alive)..its always easy 2advise others and lose sight of it yrself. Thank goodness God allows U-turn!! We reali need 2learn 2trust Him more n know His timing is NOT our timing..Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
Calvin once smsed me : Thank God our lives are not always smooth we learn only to rely on Him Praying doesnt guarantee smooth sailing..Just more grace n strength 2pull thru our difficulties.Prayer only works if you believe God can move..My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:19
Eveytime I feel disheartened/scared, I will recall my encounters w he preserved me during dengue fever and spiritual attacks even during crisis of belief..I will neva forget how REAL He is in times of need! God is real n he watches over me 24/7. If God is for us, who can be against us. Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.Joshua 1:9
Salvation is free but living a life dedicated to Christ is a eternal marathon..It requires great faith n focus on God! 1000times we fail, still his Mercy remains..I'm fearful of God's wrath but I'm even more afraid of hurting Him everytime I sin..God's love for us will neva change and love keeps no records of wrong..
I'm an emotional person n I pray 2channel my sadness/-veness into passion/+veness for God n pple ard me..I always questioned why I lost my parents at young age and hope others will NEVA take their parents/loved ones for granted..You'll never know when situations can turn for a worse..I'll always make a pt 2show my appreciation4others cos it reali doesnt take a lot 2say a little Thank You/Love you( alrite maybe tis takes more effort) yet it makes a deal of difference to e person.. Its nice 2know others care and everything grows beta with love ;)
Pay it forward..Be a blessing to others as others bless you. In my opinion, my wedding was beautiful!! not jus bcos of BridalVeil gowns/Poppy's fanastic original-theme church deco/Kriston's sumptuous buffet..but bcos Calvin n I were truly blessed by all our loved ones:My In-laws, Faith & Desmond(who did e absolutely beautiful photo montage),Z3 team1,2 n 3(special thanks2 Phyllis, Evan,John,Andrew,Guanhua-who btw look dashing as our Best man),YI (esp Media n Ushering team-know its tough clearing up the 'beautiful mess' ),Pastor Daniel, Wanping, Rixiang, Diana, Jean,church frenz fr adult service,Ailing,n of course my non-christian frenz (special thanks2 Anna),family n beloved Aunt,Aunt Evelyn,Uncle Sam,Pa Joseph,cousin Corina n Philip,Ko Ko J,Uncle Steven etc
I love Z3 thank God for this big family!! Like John mentioned:thank God for Kallang in Z3 even though she does not sing nor play any musical instruments..I was (nonetheless)able to fit in and grew w the team.I believe we are all not here (in YI/Z3) by mere coincidence..Everyone has a role 2play n we all need love n support fr one another..
Phyllis,I know its not easy writing up a script,even more goes into video-recording-saw the pre-edited raw video footages (thanks Evan our emcee who did a great job/2 John/Yunwei/JR/Jason/Andrew/Michelle n Team 2 for yr well wishes cum humurous acting LOL..thanks Jason4designing e uniquely CKus wedding invite)n finally e editing..Loads of hardwork, love n sincere blessings go into those few minutes of wedding video n photo montage presentation!! THANKS guys!!!!
Looking back at wedding preps pre-wedding photo shoot,2 rehearsal n finally e Big Day..theres many tiring yet sweet memories dat last a lifetime! Everyone helped us unconditionally in various ways and we are indeed honoured 2have yr participation in our wedding-Thanks once again for 4sharing our joy!
I also thank God4 Calvin(which regretably I forgot 2mention during wedding cos I got emotional)-for every good n perfect gift comes from above..Not only did he brought me 2Christ, he has showered me w love n patience all these while.Hope I can be his worthy half .I pray we'll learn 2compromise n support each other as we embark on this new chapter of our lives..May God be e focus of our love n may He continue to add on to us..dat we can be a blessing to others
Rite now I need 2work on my 'rubber time' aka bad time mgmt..havent been spending quality time w God..theres often many things I would like 2do but always end up procrastinating!Saw this T-shirt e other day @ World of Sports that reads : Do Something..Anything (how appropriate)
Ending off ..I reali pray one day my non-christian frenz n family will2 call upon the name of the Lord n be saved!! I love them n wish they know theres only 1 God and its Jesus Christ! Its reali not just another religion.."Know the truth and the truth shall set you free"..Jesus didnt die on the cross just for us Christians..Jesus loves you too-is the feeling mutual??
With God You can be yrself.
Let me live that I may praise you. Psalm 119:175a
Radically saved,
Way B4 I was a Christian, I remembered stumbling upon this bookmark : "Footprints" and was utterly read: One day a man dreamt walking along e beach w God.Across the sky flashed scenes fr his life.For each scene he noticed 2 sets of footprints in e sand:one belonging 2him and e other 2God.When e last scene of his life flashed b4 him, he noticed dat many times along e path of his life there was only 1set of footprints-those were the lowest n saddest times in his life..He was troubled n asked why God left him at times where he needed Him most..and God answered " My precious child,I love you and will neva leave you.During yr times of trial n suffering,when you see only 1set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
How true indeed..Reali thank God for all dat he has done for me..for bringing me and Calvin tis far.. I thank Him 4 all e Ups and DOwNs in my Life..Everything happens 4 a reason n we are all not accidents! We're all imperfect in many ways n very often than not, we like 2penalize ourselves/be 2hard on ourselves..We end up feel lost, bitter and discontented.. Being Christians doesnt mean life will be a bed of roses,on e contrary it feels like a rollercoaster ride ..only diff is GOD promises 2be with us thru it all!
When things go well, we thank and praise God but when things go otherwise, we qns his very existence even when we have encountered Him before!! We know God is in control yet we still worry alot (well dats prob an indication we're alive)..its always easy 2advise others and lose sight of it yrself. Thank goodness God allows U-turn!! We reali need 2learn 2trust Him more n know His timing is NOT our timing..Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
Calvin once smsed me : Thank God our lives are not always smooth we learn only to rely on Him Praying doesnt guarantee smooth sailing..Just more grace n strength 2pull thru our difficulties.Prayer only works if you believe God can move..My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:19
Eveytime I feel disheartened/scared, I will recall my encounters w he preserved me during dengue fever and spiritual attacks even during crisis of belief..I will neva forget how REAL He is in times of need! God is real n he watches over me 24/7. If God is for us, who can be against us. Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.Joshua 1:9
Salvation is free but living a life dedicated to Christ is a eternal marathon..It requires great faith n focus on God! 1000times we fail, still his Mercy remains..I'm fearful of God's wrath but I'm even more afraid of hurting Him everytime I sin..God's love for us will neva change and love keeps no records of wrong..
I'm an emotional person n I pray 2channel my sadness/-veness into passion/+veness for God n pple ard me..I always questioned why I lost my parents at young age and hope others will NEVA take their parents/loved ones for granted..You'll never know when situations can turn for a worse..I'll always make a pt 2show my appreciation4others cos it reali doesnt take a lot 2say a little Thank You/Love you( alrite maybe tis takes more effort) yet it makes a deal of difference to e person.. Its nice 2know others care and everything grows beta with love ;)
Pay it forward..Be a blessing to others as others bless you. In my opinion, my wedding was beautiful!! not jus bcos of BridalVeil gowns/Poppy's fanastic original-theme church deco/Kriston's sumptuous buffet..but bcos Calvin n I were truly blessed by all our loved ones:My In-laws, Faith & Desmond(who did e absolutely beautiful photo montage),Z3 team1,2 n 3(special thanks2 Phyllis, Evan,John,Andrew,Guanhua-who btw look dashing as our Best man),YI (esp Media n Ushering team-know its tough clearing up the 'beautiful mess' ),Pastor Daniel, Wanping, Rixiang, Diana, Jean,church frenz fr adult service,Ailing,n of course my non-christian frenz (special thanks2 Anna),family n beloved Aunt,Aunt Evelyn,Uncle Sam,Pa Joseph,cousin Corina n Philip,Ko Ko J,Uncle Steven etc
I love Z3 thank God for this big family!! Like John mentioned:thank God for Kallang in Z3 even though she does not sing nor play any musical instruments..I was (nonetheless)able to fit in and grew w the team.I believe we are all not here (in YI/Z3) by mere coincidence..Everyone has a role 2play n we all need love n support fr one another..
Phyllis,I know its not easy writing up a script,even more goes into video-recording-saw the pre-edited raw video footages (thanks Evan our emcee who did a great job/2 John/Yunwei/JR/Jason/Andrew/Michelle n Team 2 for yr well wishes cum humurous acting LOL..thanks Jason4designing e uniquely CKus wedding invite)n finally e editing..Loads of hardwork, love n sincere blessings go into those few minutes of wedding video n photo montage presentation!! THANKS guys!!!!
Looking back at wedding preps pre-wedding photo shoot,2 rehearsal n finally e Big Day..theres many tiring yet sweet memories dat last a lifetime! Everyone helped us unconditionally in various ways and we are indeed honoured 2have yr participation in our wedding-Thanks once again for 4sharing our joy!
I also thank God4 Calvin(which regretably I forgot 2mention during wedding cos I got emotional)-for every good n perfect gift comes from above..Not only did he brought me 2Christ, he has showered me w love n patience all these while.Hope I can be his worthy half .I pray we'll learn 2compromise n support each other as we embark on this new chapter of our lives..May God be e focus of our love n may He continue to add on to us..dat we can be a blessing to others
Rite now I need 2work on my 'rubber time' aka bad time mgmt..havent been spending quality time w God..theres often many things I would like 2do but always end up procrastinating!Saw this T-shirt e other day @ World of Sports that reads : Do Something..Anything (how appropriate)
Ending off ..I reali pray one day my non-christian frenz n family will2 call upon the name of the Lord n be saved!! I love them n wish they know theres only 1 God and its Jesus Christ! Its reali not just another religion.."Know the truth and the truth shall set you free"..Jesus didnt die on the cross just for us Christians..Jesus loves you too-is the feeling mutual??
With God You can be yrself.
Let me live that I may praise you. Psalm 119:175a
Radically saved,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Kayak oh Kayak ;)

Finally got2Kayak aft thinkg abt it 4so long ;)
We had lotsa of fun @East Coast..think we stayed there for abt 4hrs?! All of us were 'sun-baked' aka 'ciao ta' n look reali red like cooked lobsters esp John and Phyllis..our bodies feel increasingly warm n itchy even as we had lunch/shop @ Parkway later !!(it itches badly even up till tis very moment..)
I didnt manage 2kayak long as I had a sudden attack of sharp backache(Had curved spine pblm since young hence experience sharp backaches fr time2time)Quack,Phyllis, Rebekah n Engyeh had 2slow down cos I opted4 'free-style' kayak halfway..dat is I sort of lie down n enjoy my kayak drift on its own- NiCe..not only is it less straining on my back,it also seems effortless.............BuT
neva did I expect2 feel nauseous (apparently staying 'stationary' onboard kayak has got me all dizzy n it didnt help dat I grabbed a quick bite as I woke up late tis morning) so I had 2head back shore ASAP cos I actually threw up..err some(JUS some) of my corn loaf ! so dats it..
Poor Engyeh had 2accompany me back n by e time we reached shore,e rest were oredi out of sight!!We spent sometime resting/catching our breath n headed 2wash up as he figured it would be 2much effort catchg up w e rest..
One..two..three hrs hav passed n still theres no sight of them (heading back)..NoW we're kinda worried!Engyeh eventually drove down e coast hoping 2spot them..Yupz they drifted Very Very Far Away!!Apparently they were having lotsa fun capsizing/'wrestling' with one other while resting at some pt n got lost in time. They looked completely drained of energy as they 'struggled' towards e shore..
SooOoo nice if only I was well enuf 2join in e fun..haiz ;)
DuN wOry Engyeh/dear I'll try2 'buck' up/keep fit so hopefully I'll be able2 hold longer during kayaks in future lol)
Quack's Bday Celebration@Swensen
We're supposed2 eat at Fish and Co. next 2ParkMall but we ended up dining@ PS Swensen as e waiting list is horrid!!
Thank God Engyeh could make it last min (he rushed down fr RT) and we're pleasantly surprised dat Evan n Jason could make 4the dinner 2!
We or rather me had lotsa fun snapping away (as usual) with my polaroid cam..We took turns 2take pics w e bday StAr Quack..Btw those Pics turn out reali NiCe! Always tot Polaroid captures beautiful (REAL) candid moments where theres no photoshop etc involved yeah :)
Hope U guys like e polaroid pics we took-do keep them ya :)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Prayer for JR's enlistment
Lets all pray for JR as he enlists into the army tomoro..
Pray dat everything will go smoothly for him..Pray dat he will continue to encounter God during this period and above all,know dat God is always in control!!
Take care and God bless u!!
Yeah...i can finally gain access to Z3 blog ;)
Pray dat everything will go smoothly for him..Pray dat he will continue to encounter God during this period and above all,know dat God is always in control!!
Take care and God bless u!!
Yeah...i can finally gain access to Z3 blog ;)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Happy Birthday Quack!!

Happy Birthday 2 you!! Have a fab day and may the Lord continue to add on to you and use you in a mighty way...Who you are and wat u do makes you a special person..keep shining for God!!
heres some pics of you..enjoy!!(wanted 2post this on Z3 blog but dun think i can access it so heres it..)
Cheers Kallang
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Caught by surprise :)
Oops didnt expect ya guys 2view my blog hence wasnt exactly updating it!!
(was inspired by Phyllis and Ghz one fine afternoon hence decided 2give Blogging a shot..just for fun ha ha...)
been busy trying 2sort out those photos fr JohnLim into Cds for ya guys and of course cracking my brain thinking of how2 further personalize my blog-as you guys can tell its kinda of flat..hmm wish theres a crash course on it yeah ;)
Oops didnt expect ya guys 2view my blog hence wasnt exactly updating it!!
(was inspired by Phyllis and Ghz one fine afternoon hence decided 2give Blogging a shot..just for fun ha ha...)
been busy trying 2sort out those photos fr JohnLim into Cds for ya guys and of course cracking my brain thinking of how2 further personalize my blog-as you guys can tell its kinda of flat..hmm wish theres a crash course on it yeah ;)
anywaz will try my best to update it as often as i the meantime i have posted some of the wedding pics on Z3 blog... ENJOY ;)
Luv Ya
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