Finally got2Kayak aft thinkg abt it 4so long ;)
We had lotsa of fun @East Coast..think we stayed there for abt 4hrs?! All of us were 'sun-baked' aka 'ciao ta' n look reali red like cooked lobsters esp John and Phyllis..our bodies feel increasingly warm n itchy even as we had lunch/shop @ Parkway later !!(it itches badly even up till tis very moment..)
I didnt manage 2kayak long as I had a sudden attack of sharp backache(Had curved spine pblm since young hence experience sharp backaches fr time2time)Quack,Phyllis, Rebekah n Engyeh had 2slow down cos I opted4 'free-style' kayak halfway..dat is I sort of lie down n enjoy my kayak drift on its own- NiCe..not only is it less straining on my back,it also seems effortless.............BuT
neva did I expect2 feel nauseous (apparently staying 'stationary' onboard kayak has got me all dizzy n it didnt help dat I grabbed a quick bite as I woke up late tis morning) so I had 2head back shore ASAP cos I actually threw up..err some(JUS some) of my corn loaf ! so dats it..
Poor Engyeh had 2accompany me back n by e time we reached shore,e rest were oredi out of sight!!We spent sometime resting/catching our breath n headed 2wash up as he figured it would be 2much effort catchg up w e rest..
One..two..three hrs hav passed n still theres no sight of them (heading back)..NoW we're kinda worried!Engyeh eventually drove down e coast hoping 2spot them..Yupz they drifted Very Very Far Away!!Apparently they were having lotsa fun capsizing/'wrestling' with one other while resting at some pt n got lost in time. They looked completely drained of energy as they 'struggled' towards e shore..
SooOoo nice if only I was well enuf 2join in e fun..haiz ;)
DuN wOry Engyeh/dear I'll try2 'buck' up/keep fit so hopefully I'll be able2 hold longer during kayaks in future lol)
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